
三大运营商英文怎么说(How to Say China's Three Major Telecom Providers in English)

How to Say China's Three Major Telecom Providers in English?IntroductionChina has three major telecom providers: China Mobile, China Unicom, and China Telecom.


How to Say China's Three Major Telecom Providers in English?


China has three major telecom providers: China Mobile, China Unicom, and China Telecom. These three companies have a combined market share of over 95% of the country's mobile market. In this article, we will explore how to say the names of these three companies in English.

China Mobile

China Mobile is the largest telecom provider in China, with over 900 million subscribers. Its Chinese name is 中国移动 (Zhongguo Yidong), which can be translated into English as \"China Mobile\". The company uses the English name \"China Mobile\" in its official communications and branding materials.

China Unicom

China Unicom is the second-largest telecom provider in China, with around 310 million subscribers. Its Chinese name is 中国联通 (Zhongguo Liantong), which can be translated into English as \"China Unicom\". The company uses the English name \"China Unicom\" in its official communications and branding materials.

China Telecom

China Telecom is the third-largest telecom provider in China, with around 300 million subscribers. Its Chinese name is 中国电信 (Zhongguo Dianxin), which can be translated into English as \"China Telecom\". The company uses the English name \"China Telecom\" in its official communications and branding materials.


In conclusion, China has three major telecom providers: China Mobile, China Unicom, and China Telecom. These companies use their Chinese names and the corresponding English names in their official communications and branding materials. As China continues to be a leader in the global telecom market, these three companies will play a crucial role in shaping the future of the industry.

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